
Happy 9 year blogoversary to JTTDS!

It's hard to believe it's been 9 years since we started Journey to the Darkside!! It's been quite a journey! We have blogged about everything from sex, kink, spankings, family, Star Wars, poly, bdsm, health, life and even death. We have been able to stick it out and continue blogging even though many other bloggers stopped.

I may not blog as much as I used to but I still try to keep up with JTTDS as much as I can. It can be challenging with all the social media now to find the time to blog. Blogging has helped me in so many ways. I've found some friends through it. I've been able to sort through my emotions and feelings.

It's also brought my Master and I closer together. Some of the best talks that I've had with Master Anakin were inspired by some of my blog posts that I've written. Blogging has become a big part of my life. There have been a few moments that I thought about stopping but then something always brought me back to it again. JTTDS has become a part of my life. I am very happy to be celebrating 9 years of being a blogger! It's been a really amazing journey for us! Thank you for joining us on our journey...O/our Journey to the Darkside! :)

May the force be with you all!!

~padme amidala