
No surgery date yet

I heard back from the Gync today about my hysterectomy surgery. She said that my information was just getting passed along to the hospital today. No surgery date has been scheduled yet. She warned me there is a waiting list of up to two months for this type of surgery. So I might not get in until the Fall. She has put me on a cancellation list though. She said a lot of patients get in sooner rather than later with it. She said that I'd have to be ready to go in on very short notice though. So I have a feeling that I won't be going on any long vacations this summer. I need to be available if I get the call to go in sooner.

It is frustrating though. I am feeling a lot of anxiety over this surgery. I am also dealing with growing fibroids. It's hard to be patient for this. I'd like to get this over with so I can begin healing and recovering from this. I will update everyone as soon as I know a surgery date or get in sooner for it.

May the force be with you all!!

~padme amidala